Once your year in the club is complete, you're considered a graduate of the club, but of course, that doesn’t mean you’ve read (much less implemented!) all the strategies! We fully expect that you’ll want to take a second year to go back through the weeks you missed and continue to experiment with different systems and productivity habits. So, you’ll keep your access to all the club resources--both in the membership site and the Facebook group.
Here’s what it DOES means to be a club graduate:
* You will no longer receive weekly emails or any additional club content. The club is a 12 month program, so you’ll have received all the new materials.
* A professional development certificate will be available after graduation under your last week's course materials in the membership site. We will verify up through 104 hours of PD credit (averaging 2 hours per week for the past 52 weeks.) You’ll simply type your name and hours into this certificate, print, and turn it in to your district to see if they will recognize it. They can email clubhelp@outlook.com if they need confirmation from me personally or any additional information about the program.(This administrator brochure may also be useful to show the research behind the club and the data about its impact on teacher effectiveness.) Remember there is also a PD Log you can use as additional documentation--it's under the Bonus Lists & More section of the membership site.
* You will keep your access to the membership site indefinitely. You can go back to reference any materials at any time there, so there's no need to download everything now. Everything is super organized, and you can use the site’s search function to find anything you want.
* You will keep your access to the club’s Facebook group indefinitely and can continue using it as a resource to support you in productivity. We will NOT be adding new cohorts to the current group, so your Facebook community will consist entirely of graduates beginning in 2018 when the January 2017 cohort graduates.
* You have the option to join a special graduates-only program. This is designed to help you analyze which aspects of your teaching and life still need streamlining, and utilize your club resources to make a plan for year two. Whether you kept up with the club faithfully, skipped a few weeks, or fell hopelessly behind, the graduate program will help you go deeper with the club strategies and refine the areas that matter most to you. The grad program will also include all the newest, updated club materials for as many years as the club is still active! I’ll send more details soon, but you can learn more about the optional graduate program here.
Congratulations on all your hard work!