Though you’ll keep your access to the membership site and Facebook group indefinitely, many graduating members want to have a plan for revisiting the resources they missed. You might also want to the newest, updated version of the club materials as they’re released.
That’s where the optional graduate program comes in.
It’s designed to help you analyze which aspects of your teaching and life still need streamlining, and utilize club resources to make a plan for year two. Whether you kept up with the club faithfully, skipped a few weeks, or fell hopelessly behind, the graduate program will help you go deeper with the club strategies and refine the areas that matter most to you.
The grad program includes:
Bi-weekly emails for encouragement and accountability: You’ll get an email at the start of each month letting you know a PDF is waiting for you in the membership library under your Graduate Cohort materials. Another email is sent mid-month to help you reinforce your habits and stay motivated.
The newest version of club content sent in ONE PDF at the beginning of each month: No more fear of missing out–the grad program includes the latest version of the month’s content (though you should expect just minor updates.) The whole month is accessible in a single download that makes it easy to search for specific phrases and skip around.
New and updated versions of club printables, all accessible from ONE page in the membership site: The entire year’s worth of printables is available on a single page in the Graduates Cohort on the membership site. You’ll see notes next to each one whenever new versions have been added so you know to re-download them. If and when current club members get printables you didn’t receive during your year in the club, these will be added, too.
The latest audio available at the beginning of each month on ONE page: At the beginning of each month, all 4 week’s audio content is added to a single page. You can play the audio from there by streaming it online via the embedded audio player. If you prefer to listen offline, you’ll also be able to download all 4 episodes via the membership site or via the monthly PDF which includes audio links.
An outline of Key Strategies & Mindset Shifts for each month: Having the overarching principles for the month listed on a single page will help you stay focused on the big picture and remind you the strategies’ overall purpose.
A fun monthly Graduate Challenge designed to give you a “quick win:” The challenge is a simple way to step up your results with minimal effort. You can discuss your progress with the challenge in the comment section of the membership site.
A Goals Checklist for each month to help you create a plan for revisiting the club content: Each checklist includes 3-5 problems graduates likely face around the month’s topic, a list of corresponding club materials that address those problems, and suggested actionable steps. Just pick one goal to streamline the most time-consuming aspects of teaching for YOU.
Continued access to all the resources you had as a club member under one login, in one place: The graduate program is accessible from the dashboard of the membership library you already use: no need to remember another login and password. All your club materials will still be archived there, too, and you can still get support in the Facebook group at any time.
Graduate Coaching Calls so you can discover how other grads are working through issues: I’ll conduct free 30 minute coaching calls with selected members of the grad program, and record the calls as MP3s for other grads to listen to. The entire bank of coaching calls is available as soon as you join, and grows over time.
BONUS: Updated club materials for as long as the club is still active: I’ll continue to update the graduate program with the latest resources throughout future years (at no cost to you!) for as long as the club is still active. Pay for the grad program once, and get updates for years to come.
The graduate program’s content for the first month after you graduated is provided at no charge under your last week's club materials. You can check it out to help you decide if you want to continue the graduate program for the rest of the year.
Click here to learn more about the graduate program or join it now.