When membership started/ends

When does my membership end?
Fast Track is a 6 week program. Full Year is a 12 month program. So, your membership ends one year later. If you're not sure when you joined the cl...
Mon, 5 Jul, 2021 at 11:34 AM
Why is my "member since" date under My Account wrong?
The "member since" date is the date you first accessed the membership site.  The approximate date you joined the club is reflected in your co...
Mon, 5 Jul, 2021 at 11:34 AM
What happens when the program is over?
40 Hour Full Year club is a one year program. 40 Hour Fast Track is a 6 week program.  You won’t be billed again after that point, and all the cont...
Sat, 6 Jun, 2020 at 11:09 AM
Will I ever lose access to the membership site?
No, once you have paid for the program, you will have access to the membership site (and Facebook group) indefinitely. We essentially archive your cohort&...
Sat, 6 Jun, 2020 at 11:10 AM
When my year is over, can I get the updated club materials?
We never change or remove any of your cohort's materials--those are yours to keep and reference anytime in the membership site. You can get acces...
Mon, 5 Jul, 2021 at 11:35 AM
When can new people join the club?
40 Hour Full Year is a 12 month program. It opens the end of June for a July start. 40 Hour Fast Track is a 6 week program. It opens at the end of Dece...
Tue, 17 Dec, 2019 at 12:37 PM